When sharing lots of items, every so often a CAPTCHA appears, which is meant to verify that you are a human and not a bot. When this happens, if you have the “Captcha Alarm” setting turned on, then a “ding” sound will play. If you prefer to solve CAPTCHAs yourself, then the “ding” sound will let you know when you need to solve the CAPTCHA.
If you prefer having CAPTCHAs solved automatically for you, then scroll down to the “Automatic Captcha Solving” section below for instructions on how to set this up.
2Captcha is a separate company with a service that automatically solves CAPTCHAs.
To have CAPTCHAs automatically solved when you use ClosetPilot, you have to sign up for an account at 2Captcha and add funds to your account there. The current rate is $3 per 1000 CAPTCHAs solved - if you add $10 to your account it should last you a long time. After you sign up, in your 2Captcha dashboard there will be your API key. Copy that key and paste it into the “2Captcha API 🔑” field in the ⚙️ tab. This will allow ClosetPilot to automatically solve CAPTCHAs.
It typically takes less than 2 minutes or less for the CAPTCHA to be solved, but it can take up to 5 minutes. Once the CAPTCHA is solved, ClosetPilot will continue doing what it was doing before the CAPTCHA popped up.